Family planning is an important aspect for any individual. It is the right to choose how many children you want and when you want them. If an individual or a couple wants to start a family they must first discuss their family planning. It allows you to put forth your concerns, and talk about your economic and financial stability, and the overall well-being of the family. 

Do you know there are certain myths and facts about family that can confuse you and limit your access to proper medical care. In this blog post, we are going to debunk the facts and misconceptions regarding birth control. 

Following are the myths that need to be exposed:

1.    Family planning is only for married couples: Yes, you read that right. It is a misconception that birth prevention is only for married couples. An individual can benefit from family planning services at any stage of their life. Birth prevention also promotes reproductive health for every individual, be it someone who’s single, married, with children, or no children. 

2.    Natural family planning methods are healthy: Preventing pregnancy is also one of the aspects of fertility control, while you can use natural methods like tracking your ovulation cycle to prevent the pregnancy, it will be less effective and won’t be enough. You will eventually have to move towards modern contraceptive methods to avoid an unwanted pregnancy

3.    Modern contraceptive methods can harm your fertility: It is a misconception that modern contraception methods can harm your future fertility because these methods are actually safe and effective and most women who are aware of the benefits have instilled contraceptives in their day-to-day life. And no, it does not harm your infertility.

4.    Douching can prevent STIs: Douching is the method of washing your vagina with water or any other cleansing solution. Some women believe that doing this can prevent STIs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and pregnancy. But it’s not true, douching can disrupt the natural vaginal balance and increase the risk of infections. To be safe from STIs and avoid pregnancy you must use modern contraceptive methods.

5.    Only women have to think about family planning: Women shouldn’t be the only one responsible for birth prevention. It is a shared responsibility, and both men and women must be involved in this decision. Having a proper discussion with your partner can be good for women’s healthcare and the decision making becomes easy. It will also elevate the relationship between the both, fostering mutual respect and making them feel supported and empowered.