7. What Are the Effects of Abortion Pills?

After Mifepristone, you may not see any bleeding or cramps. Rarely, you may start getting bloody discharge at this stage. But the symptoms usually begin after taking Misoprostol. It can take an hour to four for the effects to occur. These include heavy vaginal bleeding. The bleeding will contain pregnancy tissues, as big as lemon size, and embryo parts.

8. What is the Normal Level for Cramping and Bleeding During Abortion with Pills?

Cramping and bleeding depend on how further you are in pregnancy and your health. For some females, the cramping is mild, for others, it could be intense and more painful than periods. The bleeding is also heavier than period bleeding. The bleeding is heavier for the first few hours of Misoprostol intake.

9. What if Abortion Bleeding is More than Normal?

The bleeding during pregnancy termination is much heavier than menstrual bleeding. However, you must seek medical assistance in case of soaking through two pads in an hour for two hours in a row after your uterus empties. So, if the pads are completely saturated with bleeding from all sides and through and through as mentioned, you have to meet an abortion specialist.

10. What If Bleeding Does Not Happen After Misoprostol?

If there is no or only little bleeding and severe pain more specifically at the right shoulder not relieved by a painkiller, then you may have a pregnancy outside the uterus. In such an event, seem immediate medical care, and get the pregnancy terminated with tools.

11. What Are the Abortion Pill Side Effects?

Some of the common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, lower abdomen pain, etc.

12. When Do the Side Effects Go Away?

You will start to feel better once the uterus is free from products of conception. The majority of females experience pregnancy ending in 4 to 5 hours or a day after the use of Misoprostol. But the bleeding, even if light or moderate, may continue for 4 weeks or so.

13. Why is a Follow-Up Visit Important After Abortion?

It is important to understand if all the pregnancy portions have been evicted from the uterus or not. And to confirm the same, you must go for an ultrasonographic scan of the lower abdomen 14 days after consuming Mifepristone.

14. Can You Drink Alcohol and Grapefruit Juice in the Procedure?

You are prohibited from intake alcohol and grapefruit juice as both are interactions with abortion pills. At the same time, avoid the use of any intoxicating substance.

15. What the Abortion Diet Should Be Like?

Keep yourself well hydrated throughout the procedure. Stick to vegetable and fruit juices and avoid caffeinated drinks. Have light meals and do not include junk food. You may have baked snacks and healthy items such as leafy vegetables and meat. To replenish your body with nutrition, add more proteins, minerals, and vitamins to your diet.

16. How to Manage Pain from Cramps?

Cramps from uterine contractions are common during a medical abortion. You can use prescribed painkillers such as Ibuprofen before Misoprostol administration to relieve the pain. For further relief, you may use a hot water bag or heating pad on the area the cramps are intense.

17. What is the Difference Between Abortion Pills and Morning-after-pills?

After unprotected intercourse, if you do not want to get pregnant, then you can depend on morning-after-pills or emergency contraceptive pills. They stop the release of an egg or prevent the sperm from reaching the mature egg. But these medicines are incapable of ending a pregnancy if you have already conceived. Thus, they are different from abortion pills. In the latter, Mifepristone and Misoprostol combination bring an end to an already established pregnancy.

18. Should You Get an Abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol Combination or Misoprostol Alone?

It is a fact that combination therapy with Mifepristone and Misoprostol has a greater efficacy rate. 98 out of 100 women will successfully end the pregnancy using this treatment, while 95 out of 100 will achieve the same in the case of Misoprostol use alone.

19. Will Anyone Get to Know That You Have Done a Medical Abortion?

If you go with Misoprostol buccal consumption, then no one can tell that you have used abortion pills. This is because you need to swallow the remnants after half an hour. You can always say that you experienced a natural miscarriage to anyone who asks. But if you take Misoprostol vaginally, the coating of the medicine may stay for a day or two and not dissolve completely until then.

In case of any emergency care 48 hours after the administration of the pills, the physician can find the white coat of the medicine inside your vagina. This is another reason why the buccal route of consumption is preferable in medical pregnancy termination.

20. Who Should Not Take Abortion Pills?

If you are more than 8 to 9 weeks pregnant, then do not take the pregnancy termination pills. The same goes if you are allergic to Mifepristone and Misoprostol, have an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus), or have serious health issues such as blood-clotting issues, intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) inserted, severe anemia, inherited porphyria, very high blood pressure, liver/kidney/heart disease.

21. Does Misoprostol Suit Women Breastfeeding?

If you are nursing a child, do not breastfeed the baby for at least 4 hours after using abortion pills. Otherwise, the baby can get diarrhea.

22. Can You Take the Medicine If Diagnosed with HIV?

Yes, you may do so if your health is good, your doctor approves of the procedure, and you are on antiretroviral medication.

23. Is it Safe to Take the Pills If You Had a Previous C-Section?

It is safe to take Mifepristone and Misoprostol even if you have had C-section delivery in the past.

24. What If the Pregnancy Stays Despite Using the Pills?

If the pills do not completely remove the pregnancy parts from the uterus, then you will have to get the same removed through invasive treatment. Otherwise, you may encounter heavy bleeding for a long time, life-threatening conditions, sepsis, infection, and birth defects.

25. Is a Higher Dose of Pills Required If You Have Used It Before, Overweight, or Pregnant with Twins?

In all the above cases, you will require the same number of pills as recommended to get the pregnancy terminated. Do not take a higher dose.

26. Will the Pregnancy Termination Pills Cause Infertility in the Future?

You can conceive again after getting a medical abortion. The pills do not cause infertility or birth defects in the baby for future pregnancy.

27. How Soon Can You Conceive After a Successful Abortion?

You can get pregnant if sexually active after pregnancy termination. You can conceive as soon as 3 to 8 days after the procedure completion. So, it is best to use birth control to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.