Medical abortion is a safe and popular method to end an early pregnancy. It’s important to learn about the aftercare for a successful recovery. This blog will explain how the abortion pill works, its effectiveness, the safety of abortion pills, and what to expect in aftercare, especially when dealing with heavy menstrual bleeding.

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

You need two abortion pills for medical abortion: mifepristone and misoprostol.  Mifepristone blocks the production of the female hormone progesterone, which is required to sustain a pregnancy. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions and expels the pregnancy from the uterus, which comes out in the form of heavy bleeding. This method is successful for up to 10 weeks of pregnancy.

How Effective is the Abortion Pill Procedure? 

The abortion pill can effectively end an early pregnancy. Take the pills as prescribed by your provider. It is 99% effective up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. To complete the procedure, it is essential to stick to the indicated medication regimen and schedule a follow-up session following the medical abortion.

How safe is the abortion pill? 

Yes, the abortion pill is safe for terminating a pregnancy. While complications are rare, they can include heavy bleeding, infection, or an incomplete abortion. It is crucial to have access to medical care during the procedure so that any possible risks are handled immediately. 

Is Plan B the Same as an Abortion Pill?

No, Plan B is not the same as an abortion pill. Plan B is an emergency contraceptive pill that can prevent pregnancy if you use it within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. It does not end an ongoing pregnancy. at the same time, the abortion pill is used to end an existing pregnancy.  

What is the Aftercare of Using an Abortion Pill?

Aftercare for medical abortion is necessary as you can experience cramping and bleeding as the body expels the pregnancy tissue. This can last up to a few days or maybe a few weeks. Here are some key aftercare tips:

Rest: Give your body time to recover.
Track Bleeding: Heavy menstrual bleeding is common. Use sanitary pads and avoid tampons or menstrual cups to reduce the risk of infections.
Pain Relief: Get some over-the-counter painkillers to help reduce the cramps.
Stay Hydrated: You should drink plenty of liquids to keep your body hydrated.
Aftercare: Book an appointment for follow-up to ensure complete recovery.

Why is Heavy Menstrual Bleeding After an Abortion Common?

Heavy menstrual bleeding is common after an abortion as the uterus sheds its lining. There's a chance that you will bleed heavier than usual and have clots. Visit your healthcare provider if the bleeding is severe or persistent.  

How much does the abortion pill cost?

The cost of medical abortion varies by location and service provider. Usually, prices range from $199 to $799. You can find some insurance policies or financial support programs that can cover the costs of abortion.


Knowing about the process and aftermath of medical abortion is essential for a safe and successful recovery. While heavy menstrual bleeding is normal, taking good care of oneself afterward can help lessen symptoms and improve overall well-being. Seek medical assistance immediately if you have any concerns or complications.