How to Know If an Abortion Is Complete or Incomplete?

Abortion is a significant medical event, whether it is medical or surgical. It’s crucial to determine the signs of incomplete abortion to overcome the risks beforehand. Similarly, it is important to recognise the signs of complete abortion. Knowing the symptoms can help you seek medical attention for a safe and secure recovery.

The most reliable way to determine the state of an abortion is to visit a healthcare provider for an ultrasound or a blood test, which can confirm if there are remaining pregnancy tissues in the uterus. If you encounter any unusual signs after an abortion, promptly visit a doctor. 

Complete Vs. Incomplete Abortion: Key Points

Complete Abortion:

  • Complete abortion takes place when you take the right dosage of mifepristone and misoprostol pills, and all the pregnancy tissues have been expelled from the uterus. 
  • You will feel less bleeding when most of the tissues are out, indicating the abortion is a success. 
  • After a few days, when you do not experience any pregnancy symptoms and get a negative pregnancy test result, you have a complete abortion.

For a non-invasive method, you can buy MTP kit online, consisting of mifepristone and misoprostol.

Incomplete Abortion: 

  • An incomplete abortion occurs when some of the pregnancy tissues remain inside the uterus for days, even after taking the abortion pills. 
  • This can cause abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain, fever, and sometimes infection. 
  • It is essential to monitor the signs of incomplete abortion after taking Mifepristone and misoprostol pills. 
  • If you are considering a medical abortion, it is important to check the mifepristone and misoprostol kit price from a trustworthy provider for effective results. 

Signs of Incomplete Abortion

Signs of incomplete abortion are easy to recognise if you are aware of medical abortion using Mifepristone and misoprostol or surgical abortion in general. When your body does not fully expel the pregnancy tissues, you have an incomplete abortion.

If you are not aware of the signs, here are some of the symptoms of an incomplete abortion to look out for:

  • Prolonged vaginal bleeding: If you are experiencing heavy bleeding but it does not lessen with time, it could be one of the major signs of incomplete abortion. If not treated on time, this can lead to blood loss, anemia, and shock.
  • Severe pain: A high amount of pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area can indicate an unsuccessful abortion. The discomfort can move up to the lower back, genitalia, buttocks, and perineum, hence, early treatment is recommended.

Fever and chills: A fever that’s above 100°C/212°F for a longer duration could be a symptom of an unsuccessful abortion.

  • smelling discharge: Your discharge may have a foul odor, which could be a cause of an imminent vaginal infection. 
  • Constant pregnancy signs: You still have pregnancy symptoms like nausea and breast tenderness. Getting a check-up could be helpful as it falls under incomplete abortion signs.

If you notice any of the above signs of incomplete abortion, visit your healthcare provider immediately. If you need an extra dose of medication, checking the mifepristone and misoprostol kit price can help you make the right decision. For instance, you can buy MTP kit online with credit card to ensure affordability.

Signs of Complete Abortion 

Signs of complete abortion are easy to notice. When you take abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone depletes the progesterone, separating the fetus from the endometrial lining and discontinuing the pregnancy. Later, misoprostol causes uterine contraction and dispels the pregnancy from the uterus. 

The signs of complete abortion include: 

  • Bleeding: At the beginning of the medical abortion, you will notice heavy bleeding, but it will gradually decrease once the pregnancy tissues are fully ejected from the uterus.
  • Reduced cramping: The intensity of cramps will decrease over time. Once the fetus and tissues are completely out of the uterus, the pain will stop.
  • No pregnancy symptoms: You won’t notice any pregnancy signs once the abortion is complete. 

To ensure a safe medical abortion, buy MTP kit online with credit card. It saves you time and money and gives you complete control over your body. If you want to have a second dose, you may want to consider comparing the mifepristone and misoprostol kit price so that it falls under your budget.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Incomplete Abortion

It’s crucial to confirm the abortion through a healthcare provider after the abortion, especially if you have chosen a non-invasive method, such as medical abortion. See a doctor immediately if you think you have had an incomplete abortion. 

Diagnosis of an incomplete abortion

Your practitioner will probably perform a physical examination or ultrasound to check the uterus, looking for the remaining parts of the pregnancy. He/she could also opt for a hysteroscopy or check either HCG levels, CBC, or WBC.

Treatment of an incomplete abortion

Once you notice the signs of an incomplete medical abortion, it is essential to receive treatment as early as possible. An early treatment can reduce the risk of possible infection and blood loss. There are several methods available; discuss the pros and cons before moving forward. 

If you opt for a non-surgical option, your doctor will likely monitor your condition and if needed, may intervene with surgery or medicines. Or they can give you an additional dose of misoprostol, as it is 98% effective in removing the fetal tissues. 

If you choose surgical methods, you have two options: the D&C procedure and the hysteroscope. The doctor uses a combination of mild suction and a curette to scrape the inside of the uterus to collect and remove any remaining vestiges of the pregnancy.

Whereas, for hysteroscopy, a doctor uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera attached to it and inserts it through the cervix to look for pregnancy residual, if found, they remove it with medical instruments.