Hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid, is a condition where your thyroid gland, present at the front side of the neck, makes and releases thyroid hormone in higher quantities. 
This condition increases your metabolism and speeds up your heart rate. It is difficult to treat hyperthyroidism; you will have to visit your healthcare provider as there is no natural cure for hyperthyroidism.
What Is Hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland creates and releases more thyroid hormones than necessary. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower front of your neck. It is an endocrine gland, meaning it produces hormones. 
Thyroid hormones are essential for your health because they help your body utilize energy efficiently. However, if your thyroid produces too much hormone, your body's processes go into an overactive state, leading to several kinds of symptoms.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid gland takes care of your bodily functions like regulating the body temperature and controlling heart rate and metabolism. When it is working properly, your body is in a balanced condition. If your thyroid stops operating properly, which is producing too much or too little thyroid hormones, it can affect your entire body.

The Symptoms Of Hyperthyroidism Include: 

•    Rapid heartbeat 
•    Feeling uneasy
•    Increased appetite
•    Weight loss
•    Change in vision
•    Changes in menstrual cycle
•    Difficulty sleeping
•    Swelling in the neck
•    Hair loss
•    Weak muscles

What Causes Hyperthyroidism?

These could be some possible reasons for hyperthyroidism:
•    Graves’ Disease: In this condition, your immune system attacks your thyroid, forcing your thyroid to produce too much hormone. Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.
•    Thyroid Nodules: A thyroid nodule is a bump or growth of cells in the thyroid gland, producing more hormones than your body requires.
•    Thyroiditis: The occurrence of inflammation in your thyroid gland due to a problem with your immune system is known as thyroiditis; it can last up to 3 months. This could cause your gland to release any thyroid hormones they have stored in. 
•    Excess Iodine: Iodine is a mineral found in foods that the thyroid needs to produce hormones. Too much iodine can force your gland to produce more thyroid hormone. 
Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

Here are some of the treatment options for hyperthyroidism:
•    Antithyroid Medications: These medicines impair your thyroid's capacity to produce hormones, providing quick thyroid control.
•    Radioactive Iodine: Radioactive iodine is an oral treatment that hyperactive thyroid cells absorb. The radioactive iodine destroys these cells, causing your thyroid to shrink and thyroid hormone levels to decrease.
•    Beta Blockers: These medications restrict the effects of thyroid hormones on the body. They do not help with hormone levels, but they can help manage symptoms like rapid heartbeat, nervousness, and shakiness caused by hyperthyroidism. 
•    Surgery: Removal of the thyroid by surgery can bring the hormone levels to normal, but you may develop hypothyroidism and require thyroid hormone replacement therapy for the rest of your life.


Hyperthyroidism is very common in women. It can greatly affect your overall health. If you experience any of the above symptoms visit your healthcare provider, to know the cause and the treatment options. 

Visit our website womenscare.info and get accurate information on more such diseases concerning women and find out the best treatments.