What is reproductive justice?

Reproductive rights include more than just reproductive rights; they acknowledge the intersections of factors such as race, gender identity, and economic condition. However, it also recognizes that access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including abortion services, is not only a personal choice but also a matter of social justice and human rights.

Reproductive justice is all about the three core values: the right to have a child, the right to not have a child, and the right to parent a child in a safe and healthy environment.

Abortion access 

Abortion access is at the center of reproductive justice campaigning. Individuals should be able to get safe and legal abortion services to have control over their bodies and lives. However, financial status, injustices due to race, place of origin, legal restrictions, and societal barriers all have a significant impact on abortion access.

Social Stigma

Abortion access is highly impacted by social factors. The stigma associated with abortion can create barriers in society, causing people seeking reproductive healthcare to feel ashamed and to hide their needs. Also, cultural standards and beliefs in religion can foster opinions against abortion, making it more difficult for those seeking abortion access and support.

Economic Difficulties

Economic inequalities majorly affect abortion access. Abortion services can be expensive for some people, especially in areas that have high medical costs and little or no insurance coverage for reproductive health care. Inequalities in access to healthcare worsen due to the financial burden and mostly affect low-income people and overlooked communities.

Racial Injustice

Racial equity is particularly important in terms of abortion access. People of color may experience unfair treatment and difficulties accessing care as a result of both past and present racist practices in healthcare organizations. This involves bias and sexism against those seeking reproductive healthcare services, particularly abortion services, as well as limited access to clinics for people of color.

Advocating for Equal Abortion Access

Reproductive justice activists work to address these complex issues by supporting laws and programs that advance fair access to abortion and reproductive healthcare. This includes the following:

  • Supporting laws that safeguard and increase access to safe and approved abortion services.
  • Destigmatizing abortion and increasing awareness of reproductive rights through community education and outreach programs.
  • Understanding the different needs and experiences of people due to their intersecting identities and promoting inclusive laws that address these complexities.
  • Work to ensure that healthcare facilities, particularly in low-income areas and communities of color, provide complete reproductive health services, including abortion.


Reproductive justice draws attention to the relationship between racial, social, and economic justice and how these factors affect reproductive health outcomes, such as access to abortion services. 

By examining abortion access through the lens of social, economic, and racial justice, we can eliminate the barrier and ensure that everyone has the capacity and resources to make informed decisions about their reproductive health free of discrimination and bias.